Primary Consultation

Primary Consultation


60-90 minutes. The foundational consultation for all other appointments…

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The Primary Consultation includes: 

  1. The Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ), which consists of over 350 questions assessing many systems and symptoms of your health. You will receive 7+ pages of detailed results from your NAQ.

  2. An Initial Interview Form, a detailed health history and personal goals assessment.

  3. 5 Day Food and Mood Log, which allows me to see what your day to day eating looks like and how that relates to your digestion, moods, and energy levels.

With your Primary Consultation, you’ll also receive:

  1. Your Personalized Health Plan (PHP), a 15-20 page document with educational pieces about your NAQ and how your body works, including a detailed list of nutritional recommendations (foods to include and exclude), supplements, and lifestyle factors.

  2. A set of Short Term Goals, 4-6 action steps you can implement right away to start changing your diet and lifestyle in order to reach your health goals.

  3. Recipes! I’d love to share with you some of my staple recipes that make eating delicious AND nutritious.